[From their website:]
Join professional actors, writers, and comedians Ben Auxier and Brian Huther for a week of all things comedy! Sketch writing, performance, improv - if it's funny, we'll do it! 6th - 8th graders of any background with any experience level are invited to come have an absolute blast June 25th - 28th as we explore how to generate, refine, and perform comedy! This camp ends with a grand showcase featuring work we'll create and rehearse together - so invite your friends and family and get ready to laugh!
Ben Auxier & Brian Huther (AKA Dog & Friend Dog) are KC natives now working in Chicago. Their body of work includes award-winning improv shows, viral videos with their channel Friend Dog Studios, and the hit musical comedies The Ballad of Lefty & Crabbe and Milking Christmas.
Dates, Times, Location:
Monday - Thursday, June 25-28
9 am - 3 pm
Finale Showcase
Thursday, June 28
7 pm
SqueezeBox Theatre
1519 Oak St.
KCMO, 64108
(Snacks and water provided, but please pack a lunch for your child Monday-Wednesday. Thursday we will provide pizza! Let us know of any allergies.)